Laminate Floor Testing List
Professional Testing Laboratory provides comprehensive testing on all laminate flooring materials and other laminate surfaces. Explore our full test list below or contact us today for a quote with a quick turnaround on tests for wide-ranging laminate flooring types, including:
- Plastic Laminate
- Engineered Wood Laminate
- Glued, Glueless Click, Pre-Glued
Don’t see the test you need? Contact us or view our Master Test List to learn more. We offer custom tests on laminate floor materials designed to suit the unique needs of your project or product. Let us know the details and we’ll get you the data.

Test Name | Category |
Accelerated Life Exposure Dimensional Change | Laminate, |
ANSI A137.1 Dynamic Coefficient of Friction of Hard Surface | Laminate, |
ANSI A326.3 Section 8 - Wet Dynamic Coefficient of Friction of Hard Surface Flooring Materials | Laminate, |
ANSI A326.3 Section 9 - Dry Dynamic Coefficient of Friction of Hard Surface Flooring Materials | Laminate, |
ANSI A326.3 Wet & Dry Dynamic Coefficient of Friction of Hard Surface Flooring Materials | Laminate, |
ANSI B101.1 Static Dynamic Coefficient of Friction | Laminate, |
ANSI B101.1/B101.3 Static Dynamic Coefficient of Friction | Laminate, |
ANSI B101.3 Dynamic Coefficient of Friction | Laminate, |
ANSI BIFMA X5.1-2002 | Laminate, |
ANSI HPVA 4.2 Bond Line Test | Laminate, |
ANSI HPVA 4.3 Dry Shear Test | Laminate, |
ANSI HPVA 4.4 Cyclic-Boil Shear Test | Laminate, |
ANSI HPVA 4.5 Two-Cycle Boil Test | Laminate, |
AS 4586-2013 Appendix A Wet Pendulum Test Method | Laminate, |
ASTM C1028 Static Coefficient of Friction | Laminate, |
ASTM C1028 Static Coefficient of Friction - Dry | Laminate, |
ASTM C1028 Static Coefficient of Friction (Wet & Dry) | Laminate, |
ASTM D2047 James Machine - Coefficient of Friction on Flooring Material | Laminate, |
ASTM D2047 James Machine - Coefficient of Friction on Flooring Material (Wet & Dry) | Laminate, |
ASTM D2457 Specular Gloss | Laminate, |
ASTM D257 Test Method for DC Resistance on Conductance of Insulating Materials | Laminate, |
ASTM D2794 Standard Test Method for Resistance of Organic Coatings to the Effects of Rapid Deformaiton (Impact) | Laminate, |
ASTM D2859 Surface Flammability (CPSC FF-170) | Laminate, |
ASTM D2859 Surface Flammability (CPSC FF-170) No Infill | Laminate, |
ASTM D297 Ash Content | Laminate, |
ASTM D3273 Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber | Laminate, |
ASTM D3359 Cross Hatch Finish Adhesion Tape Testing | Laminate, |
ASTM D3359 Method B | Laminate, |
ASTM D4966 Abrasion-Martindale | Laminate, |
ASTM D5040 Ash Content | Laminate, |
ASTM D5116 Modified Organic Emissions Testing | Laminate, |
ASTM D523 Gloss Rating | Laminate, |
ASTM D5582 Standard Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Levels from Wood Products Using a Desiccator | Laminate, |
ASTM D6007 Standard Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Concentrations in Air from Wood Products Using a Small-Scale Chamber - Deconstructive | Laminate, |
ASTM D6007 Standard Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Concentrations in Air from Wood Products Using a Small-Scale Chamber - Non-Destructive | Laminate, |
ASTM D7027 Hoffman Scratch (Force Determination) | Laminate, |
ASTM D870 Water Resistance | Laminate, |
ASTM E10 Brinell Hardness | Laminate, |
ASTM E1252 Standard Practice for General Techniques for Obtaining Infrared Spectra for Qualitative Analysis | Laminate, |
ASTM E1333 Standard Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Concentrations in Air and Emission Rates from Wood Products Using a Large Chamber | Laminate, |
ASTM E1349 Standard Method for Reflectance Factor Using 45 degree/0 degree Geometry | Laminate, |
ASTM E2179 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of the Effectiveness of Floor Coverings in Reducing Impact Sound Transmission | Laminate, |
ASTM E303 Test Method for Measuring Surface Frictional Properties using the British Pendulum Tester | Laminate, |
ASTM E492 Measurement of Impact Sound Transmission | Laminate, |
ASTM E648 Critical Radiant Flux | Laminate, |
ASTM E648 Critical Radiant Flux (New York) | Laminate, |
ASTM E648 Critical Radiant Flux (Non-Carpet Specimen) | Laminate, |
ASTM E648 Critical Radiant Flux (Over Pad) | Laminate, |
ASTM E648 Critical Radiant Flux (Single Specimen Burn) | Laminate, |
ASTM E648 Radiant Panel (No Infill) | Laminate, |
ASTM E648 Radiant Panel (Single Burn - No Infill) | Laminate, |
ASTM E648 Radiant Panel (with Infill) | Laminate, |
ASTM E662 Smoke Density (Flaming & Non-Flaming) | Laminate, |
ASTM E662 Smoke Density (Flaming Only) | Laminate, |
ASTM E662 Smoke Density (Single Specimen) | Laminate, |
ASTM E84 Steiner Tunnel Test | Laminate, |
ASTM E90 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions and Elements | Laminate, |
ASTM E96 Water Vapor Transmission (one side) | Laminate, |
ASTM F150 (IBM/Burroughs / NFPA 99) | Laminate, |
ASTM F2765 CPSC Lead Analysis | Laminate, |
ASTM F2853 Determination of Lead in Paint Layers and Similar Coatings by X-Ray Fluorescence | Laminate, |
ASTM F2913 Measuring the Coefficient of Friction for Evaluation of Slip Performance | Laminate, |
ASTM F510 Grit Feeder Abrasion (1st 1,000 cycles) | Laminate, |
ASTM F510 Grit Feeder Abrasion (each additional 1,000 cycles) SEE CHART FOR PRICING | Laminate, |
ASTM F609 Standard Test Method for Using a Horizontal Pull Slipmeter (HPS) | Laminate, |
ASTM F963 Heavy Metals Content Analysis | Laminate, |
ASTM F970 Static Load Limit (Additional Loads over 1000 lbs) | Laminate, |
ASTM F970 Static Load Limit (per load level).. | Laminate, |
ASTM G195 Standard Guide for Conducting Wear tests Using a Rotary Platform, Double Head Abraser | Laminate, |
Basketball Rebound Test | Laminate, |
Berlin Artificial Athlete | Laminate, |
BS 8493 Specular Reflectance | Laminate, |
BS EN 1081 Resilient Floor Coverings Determination of the Electrical Resistance | Laminate, |
BS EN 13745 Reflectance | Laminate, |
BS EN 425 Caster Chair (Rollstool) | Laminate, |
BS EN 985 Caster Chair (20,000 cycles) | Laminate, |
BS EN 985 Caster Chair (25,000 cycles) | Laminate, |
Chemical Resistance -Wiping Test | Laminate, |
Color Match Comparison w/Spectrophotometer ratings | Laminate, |
Colorfastness to Light Carbon Arc JIS D0205 (PRICE VARIES) | Laminate, |
Colorfastness to Ozone (load up fee - up to 30 samples, No ratings) | Laminate, |
Colorfastness to Solvent | Laminate, |
Colorfastness to Wet Cleaning | Laminate, |
Consultation in Field ($2250/person/day+expenses) | Laminate, |
Consultation In Laboratory ($300/person/hour) | Laminate, |
Core Density | Laminate, |
Core Weight | Laminate, |
CPSC Metals Analysis (Complete) | Laminate, |
CPSC Wipe Test: Lead | Laminate, |
Deicer Chemical Staining | Laminate, |
Density | Laminate, |
DIN 18032 Force Reduction and Vertical Deformation | Laminate, |
DIN 51130 Slip Resistance: Ramp Test | Laminate, |
DIN EN 13329 Abrasion Resistance | Laminate, |
DIN EN 13329 Annex A Determination of Thickness, Length, Width, Squareness, Straightness and Flatness | Laminate, |
DIN EN 13329 Annex B Determination of Openings and Height Difference Between Elements | Laminate, |
DIN EN 13329 Annex B with Install | Laminate, |
DIN EN 13329 Annex C (Effects of Humidity Change) | Laminate, |
DIN EN 13329 Annex D Determination of Surface Soundness | Laminate, |
DIN EN 13329 Annex E Determination of Abrasion Resistance and Abrasion Classification | Laminate, |
DIN EN 13329 Annex F Determination of Impact Resistance and Impact Classification | Laminate, |
DIN EN 13329 Annex G Measurement of Shore A Hardness | Laminate, |
DIN EN 13329 Annex G Thickness Swelling | Laminate, |
DIN EN 15468: 2013 Wear Resistance | Laminate, |
DIN EN 16165 Determination of Slip Resistance of Pedestrian Surfaces Annex B Shod Ramp Test | Laminate, |
DIN EN 660 Abrasion Resistance of Coatings by Taber Abraser Grit Feeder (Frick Taber) | Laminate, |
DIN EN ISO 2813 Gloss | Laminate, |
DIN EN13329 | Laminate, |
EDX and Scanning Electron Microscopy | Laminate, |
Effects of Extreme Temperature Change | Laminate, |
EN 101 Moh's Scratch Hardness (Home Depot Protocol) | Laminate, |
EN 13893 Determination of Slip Resistance | Laminate, |
EN 1534 Brinell Hardness | Laminate, |
EN 16094 A & B Micro-Scratch Resistance (See chart for pricing) | Laminate, |
EN 16165 Determination of Slip Resistance of Pedestrian Surfaces Annex C Pendulum Test | Laminate, |
EN 1818 Determination of the Effect of Loaded Heavy duty Castors | Laminate, |
EN 425 Castor Chair Test | Laminate, |
EN 438-18 Resistance to Cigarette Burns | Laminate, |
EN 438-2 Section 25 Scratch Test | Laminate, |
EN 684 Determination of Seam Strength | Laminate, |
EN ISO 10874 Classifiation/Level of Use | Laminate, |
EN ISO 2813 Determination of Specular Gloss | Laminate, |
ESD 97.1 Floor Materials and Footwear Resistance Measurement in Combination with a Person | Laminate, |
ESD 97.2 Floor Materials and Footwear Voltage Measurement in Combination with a Person. | Laminate, |
ESD S7.1 Resistive Characterization of Materials | Laminate, |
Gardner Device (Home Depot Protocol) Evaluation of Scratch Resistance using a Scratch Machine: | Laminate, |
GCMS Gas Chromatographic Mass Spectrometer | Laminate, |
Hardness, Durometer A (ISO 868, ASTM D2240) | Laminate, |
ICP Scan (Heavy Metal) EPA Method | Laminate, |
In-House Openings Test | Laminate, |
Installation Fitment | Laminate, |
ISO 10874 Classification | Laminate, |
ISO 10965 Determination of Electrical Resistance | Laminate, |
ISO 12460-4 Formaledhyde | Laminate, |
ISO 1518-1 Determination of Scratch Resistance | Laminate, |
ISO 2409 Paints and Varnishes - Cross Cut Test | Laminate, |
ISO 24334 Determination of Locking Strength | Laminate, |
ISO 24336 Thickness Swelling | Laminate, |
ISO 24337 Determination of Geometrical Characteristics - $150.00....Flatness - $150.00 ..Openings - $75.00..Ledging - $50.00 | Laminate, |
ISO 24337 Determination of Geometrical Characteristics Flatness | Laminate, |
ISO 24337 Determination of Geometrical Characteristics Openings | Laminate, |
ISO 24337 Determination of Geometrical Characteristics Straightness | Laminate, |
ISO 24337 Ledging | Laminate, |
ISO 24337/3261 Determination of Geometrical Characteristics-Flatness, Openings, Ledging | Laminate, |
ISO 24338 Laminate Floor Coverings-Determination of Abrasion Resistance A | Laminate, |
ISO 24339 Laminate and Textile Floor Coverings - Determination of Dimensional Variations After Exposure to Humid and Dry Climate Conditions | Laminate, |
ISO 4760 Laminate Flooring-Topical Moisture Resistance-Assembled Joint | Laminate, |
ISO 6356 Static - Walking Test | Laminate, |
ISO TR 4918 Castor Chair Test (20,000 cycles) | Laminate, |
Large Ball Impact | Laminate, |
Material Density | Laminate, |
Materials Analysis: Microscopy | Laminate, |
Mercury Scans | Laminate, |
Microphotographs | Laminate, |
MIL-W-5044 Section 4.6.9 Factors of Sliding Friction | Laminate, |
MIL-W-5044C Coefficient of Friction (Dry, Wet, oil) | Laminate, |
Moh's Hardness Pen Scratch Test | Laminate, |
NALFA 3.1 Static Load | Laminate, |
NALFA 3.10 Bond Surface | Laminate, |
NALFA 3.11 Formaldehyde | Laminate, |
NALFA 3.12, 3.13, 3.14 Determination of Flatness, Openings and Ledging | Laminate, |
NALFA 3.2 Thickness Swell | Laminate, |
NALFA 3.3 Compression Resistance | Laminate, |
NALFA 3.3 Light Resistance | Laminate, |
NALFA 3.4 Cleanability | Laminate, |
NALFA 3.5 Large ball Impact | Laminate, |
NALFA 3.6 Small Ball (Dart) Impact | Laminate, |
NALFA 3.7 Wear Resistance | Laminate, |
NALFA 3.8 Dimensional Tolerances | Laminate, |
NALFA 3.9 Castor Chair Resistance | Laminate, |
NALFA Assembled Joint Surface Swell Test | Laminate, |
NALFA Radiant Heat Resistance (NEMA LD 3 3.10) | Laminate, |
NALFA LF-01 Certification | Laminate, |
NALFA UL 3.3 Compression Resistance | Laminate, |
NEMA LD3 Colorfastness to Light (Xenon Arc) 72 AFU | Laminate, |
NEMA WC 3, Section 6.19.6 Flame Test | Laminate, |
O2 Aging Test | Laminate, |
Pendulum Strike Impact Test | Laminate, |
PFAS Test (33 compound) | Laminate, |
Phillips Roll Chair (10,000 cycles) each additional 5,000 cycles $25 each SEE CHART FOR PRICING | Laminate, |
Photographs | Laminate, |
Puck Test | Laminate, |
Radiant Heat Exposure Dimensional Change | Laminate, |
Radiant Heat Resistance (NEMA LD 3 3.10) | Laminate, |
Scratch Resistance by Sim Floor and Cleanability | Laminate, |
Scuff Resistance by Sim Floor and Cleanability | Laminate, |
Scuffing Resistance (Refrigerator Caster Test) | Laminate, |
Seam Breaking Strength | Laminate, |
Seam Infiltration | Laminate, |
Seam Penetration | Laminate, |
Seam Sealer | Laminate, |
Sharp Points/Edges | Laminate, |
Sharpie Cleanability Testing | Laminate, |
Sheer Test | Laminate, |
Small Ball (Dart) Impact | Laminate, |
Specific Gravity | Laminate, |
Spectrophotometer Readings | Laminate, |
Spot Hold Mops | Laminate, |
Standing Liquid Seam Test | Laminate, |
Surface Attack Mops 1st sample | Laminate, |
Surface Attack Mops additional samples | Laminate, |
Tongue Break x,y and corner break | Laminate, |
UL 410 Slip Resistance of Floor Surface Materials | Laminate, |
Unilin Water T Seam Penetration | Laminate, |
Video | Laminate, |
Visual Inspection | Laminate, |
Visual Ratings | Laminate, |
Water Absorption | Laminate, |
Water Column Test of Click System | Laminate, |
Water Immersion Evaluation | Laminate, |
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The PTL team has decades of experience testing laminate flooring materials from plastic to wood, glued, glueless, and pre-glued.
We don’t stop at laminates. Our laboratory tests flooring materials including carpet, wood, ceramic, chemicals, textiles, and more.
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714 Glenwood Place
Dalton, Georgia 30721
Phone: 706.226.3283