Professional Testing Laboratory Blog

How to Compare ASTM Testing Labs For Carpets, Textiles, and Flooring

Written by Professional Testing Laboratory Team | Jul 25, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Comparing ASTM testing labs can be a straightforward process with a checklist of traits to look for in a lab partner. Use the ten priorities listed below to help in evaluating and choosing outside laboratories for ASTM testing services.

10 Traits to Look For in an ASTM Testing Laboratory

1. Capabilities

The top necessity is, of course, that the laboratory has the team, expertise, and equipment in place to deliver all the types of testing you need. The first question carpet testing labs will generally receive is “Do you have the capability to perform X test?” That’s the baseline for continuing the conversation and keeping the ASTM testing lab in consideration.

2. Accreditation

Accreditation by reputable organizations is proof that the carpet or textile testing laboratory is committed to delivering reliable results in accordance with accepted industry standards. In many cases, such accreditations can be requirements for product compliance. Professional Testing Laboratory maintains dual accreditations with the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) and the Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation (PJLA).

3. Depth and breadth of tests

Regardless of the specific test or tests you’re interested in performing at this time, it’s always a good idea to browse the laboratory’s broader capabilities and ensure that this is a carpet testing laboratory with a deep and wide selection of tests. When you select a one-stop shop for floor-related testing, you can be assured that the lab has seen expansive test scenarios and has practiced a great range of testing variations. 

If it touches a floor, the Professional Testing Laboratory can do it. We conduct over 2,000 types of tests across flooring types, from carpet and wood to tile, cleaning chemicals, vacuums, and more. No other lab goes as deep or as wide.

4. Experience

Ask how many years the ASTM laboratory has been providing testing services. A decades-long track record of conducting tests for businesses and manufacturers is a ringing endorsement of the value of the lab’s test results. PTL has over 30 years of experience providing carpet, textile, and flooring-related tests.

5. Guidance

You’ll want to work with an authoritative expert. Many organizations and individuals who contact ASTM testing labs have a sense of what they need to figure out but do not know the precise ASTM test that they need. Select a lab that can guide you to the right test for the job and is willing to consult with you to pinpoint specific tests to address any of the needs you’ve identified. This consultative approach is a cornerstone of PTL’s philosophy and is provided free of charge.

6. Scalability

Does the lab have the capability to handle testing at scale? For large manufacturers or anyone in need of a great number of tests (or similar tests across a great quantity of products/materials), the capacity to deliver high-volume testing services is a requirement.

7. Turnaround Time

How quickly can the lab turn around a quote? Faster service and a sense of urgency can be a valuable benefit and will make it worth prioritizing some labs over others. Professional Testing Laboratory turns all quotes around within 24 hours.

8. Cost

Costs can vary from one ASTM testing lab to the next, but they should always be competitive and appropriate to the scale of the job.

9. Network

If we can’t test it, we’ll tell you who can. PTL has a robust network of partnered facilities, and our team is always ready to help you find the lab that can provide the precise tests you need.

10. Customization

It’s always best to work with ASTM testing labs that are adaptable to unique needs. You may need modified tests, variations on existing test methods, or, in some cases, a partner that can create entirely new test methods to answer your questions and find the data you’re looking for, whether it’s related to a standard test method or not. This could require the development and creation of new test rigs.

When there is not a specific and pre-defined procedure that matches your needs, work with a lab that will not hesitate to develop one for you. At Professional Testing Laboratory, we’ll put in the work to find out exactly what you need and can create new testing protocols to provide that data. Our team is capable of a creative, custom approach to testing due to our deep expertise.

Work With an Exemplary, Accredited ASTM Testing Lab

Professional Testing Laboratory is the comprehensive, one-stop testing solutions partner that exemplifies all ten of the traits and priorities you should be comparing while searching for a testing lab. Call us today to get in touch and request a quote.